Getting Help Was Never So Easy

Why spend hours on a problem a colleague can solve in minutes?

How it works



Anonymously share that cool project you've been trying to do, but don't know where to start... annoying problem you have wasted too much time trying to solve by yourself... difficult task that you know others can help you with... question that your colleagues can easily answer... request for mentorship from someone with experience... challenging TODO that you really don't want to do by yourself...

  • Does anyone know of an internship opportunity that links Research, Education and Gamification?
  • How do I create pivot tables in Excel?
  • Can someone recommend funding opportunities for summer research placements?
  • Are there any nearby gyms that are open at night?
  • Could I get some help learning to use the laser cutter?
  • Can someone guide me on best practices for budget planning?


Colleagues from your organization will reply



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137.2 hours saved across the Heroes network so far.

  • “Alexandra replied a day after I posted. We met and she sent me a protocol she was using. Attacking a problem from a different angle I probably wouldn’t have seen myself“

    Anna Sawicka 2nd year PhD Student
  • “It helped me to meet new people. Before they were only faces, now I feel like they’re colleagues that I can contact in the future.“

    Aleksandra Chikina 1st year PhD
  • “Putting people in contact anonymously is helpful. If I pose a problem to my PhD advisor it becomes too official. This app could provide a short-cut to help people be more aware: to be more methodological and analytical or just provide an easy solution because people have been there before.“

    Marta Gajowa 3rd year PhD

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